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Black Monday for “Va y Ven”: Bus Collides with Two Buses in Mérida

- July 9, 2024

This was a bad Monday for the “Va y Ven” transportation system, as at least two accidents involving their buses were reported in Mérida.

The first one occurred around 10:40 am at the Santa Gertrudis Copó, where a passenger bus ran over a minor.

Hours later, another “Va y Ven” unit was involved in an accident, when it collided with a house wall and a traffic sign on 28th Street with 33rd Street in the Komchén police station area.

It turned out that the driver had stopped for a moment, got off the bus, and suddenly it started moving on its own.

On its way, it hit a Tsuru vehicle, tearing off its rearview mirror, then went against the traffic sign and finally crashed into the fence of a property. No injuries were reported, but there was material damage.

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