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To Combat Mosquitoes: Fumigation Announced for Mérida and Other Municipalities

- July 15, 2024

The Yucatán State Health Secretary (SSY) has announced that fumigation operations will be carried out throughout the week in the capital city of Mérida and the interior of the state. This is part of the ongoing measures to prevent the spread of dengue, Zika, and chikungunya transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

According to Carlos Isaac Hernández Fuentes, Director of Prevention and Protection of Health at the SSY, the fumigation program will be distributed as follows:

Monday, July 15:

 In Mérida: Colonias include Brisas de San José, Nueva San José Tecoh, San Antonio Xluch, San José Tecoh, and Valle Dorado.

 In the interior of the state: Municipalities include Dzan, Dzitás, Panabá, Tizimín, and comisarías in Oxkutzcab.

Tuesday, July 16:

 In Mérida: Colonias include Jardines del Roble, Roble Agrícola, San Arturo Xluch.

 In the interior of the state: Municipalities include Akil, Chichimilá, Espita, Valladolid.

Wednesday, July 17:

 In Mérida: Areas to be covered include El Roble I and II, Manuel Crescencio Rejón, San Marcos Nocoh.

 In the interior of the state: Municipalities include Calcehtok, Peto, Tixcacalcupul, Uxmal.

Thursday, July 18:

 In Mérida: Areas to be covered include Ciudad Industrial, Graciano Ricalde, Libertad, Opichén, Sac-Nicté, and Villas Mérida.

 In the interior of the state: Municipalities include Peto, Pisté comisaría de Tinum.

Friday, July 19:

 In Mérida: Colonias to be covered include Ampliación Tixcacal Opichén, Paseos de Opichén, Valparaíso, Villa Magna.

 In the interior of the state: Municipality of Chemax will receive fumigation.

Residents are encouraged to collaborate by keeping their patios clean and eliminating containers where water can accumulate. This is a complementary measure to prevent the spread of the disease.

The Director of Prevention and Protection of Health emphasized that dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which deposits its eggs in stagnated water, such as flowerpots, tires, planters, and cisterns. He recommended that residents consider this factor because the rainy season favors the deposit of mosquito eggs on flowers, planters, containers, and unusable objects in patios where mosquitoes capable of transmitting the disease reproduce.

It is essential to note that there are four types of dengue viruses, which means that a person can contract the disease up to four times in their lifetime. In Yucatán, the most common serotypes are 1 and 2, but the introduction of serotype 3 increases the risk of contagion.

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