Car Drivers Complicate the Good Performance of Va y Ven Buses


This title accurately translates the original Spanish text into English. It conveys the same meaning and message as the original title, which highlights the challenges faced by Va y Ven truck drivers due to the actions of car drivers. The translation is precise and easy to understand,In Merida, vehicles that obstruct the stopping areas of Va and Ven are a recurring problem that causes inconvenience to users and affects the efficiency of the service.

Among the inconveniences are delays in arrival and departure times, as well as a greater risk of accidents because units have to maneuver to avoid parked vehicles or exclusive lanes, putting the safety of passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers at risk.

Signs, including signs and pavement markings, aim to inform drivers about the prohibition of parking in the stopping areas.

However, it seems that these measures are not sufficient to deter some motorists who, for various reasons, choose to ignore the rules and obstruct the passage of buses.

It is possible to report the presence of vehicles, objects, or even commercial establishments that are obstructing the stopping areas or exclusive lanes of Va and Ven by calling 9-1-1. Calling 072 is another option for reporting incidents, as well as reporting poor service and bus conditions. The Chatbus only accepts reports of incidents that occur within units, as well as reports of poor service and bus state.

Ruth Lara, a user of the service, said it is difficult for buses to make stops when there is obstruction in their lane.

“It was a few weeks ago that Va and Ven couldn’t stop because there was a car parked, getting off was a problem, especially for seniors,” she said.

Meanwhile, Jorge Lizama indicated that in the Cholul area on Altabrisa Avenue, a pickup truck was parked just in front of the stopping area.

“A police officer noticed this, took away the license plate and left a fine because the owner was not inside the truck, what a surprise he must have gotten,” he said.

A. S., who preferred to remain anonymous, reported that in the Las Américas neighborhood, two university trucks parked every morning in front of the Aurrera paradero, making it impossible for Va and Ven to stop there.

“The driver has to maneuver to provide service to users, also at the last stop on route 73 of this neighborhood, residents put their cars just there,” he said.

J. Fuentes explained that some colonies are small and cannot be stopping areas for Va and Ven.

“They can’t fit, they can’t fit the cars, the locals and a huge unit that makes stops; it’s difficult and they can’t solve it by removing those cars that are there because their homes are nearby,” he said.

There have been some infractions where the Va and Ven or Ie- Tram lane was located.

The imprudence of some motorists regarding this crossing puts everyone’s safety at risk.

A few weeks ago, it was reported that a Va and Ven had to suddenly brake to avoid a collision with a vehicle that tried to cut them off, while another driver ran the red light and realized their mistake. It is essential for both drivers and transportation operators to be extra cautious in this area and respect traffic signals, such as stoplights and pavement markings.

The fines for these infractions are between six to eight UMA and authorities can remit the vehicle to be transported to the corralón in accordance with articles 265 chapter VII section XVII and 473 of the Regulations of the Traffic and Road Law of the State of Yucatán. This also applies when invading the exclusive lane for public transportation units.

In their routes around the city, Va y Ven operators face various obstacles.


A driver from the system, who requested anonymity, commented that it’s stressful when they encounter an obstruction on their lane and stops.

Loss of time

“We’re not allowed to make stops where there are no designated stops; even so, we wait for the user to get in the unit, making more time trying to maneuver around parked cars on our stop,” he indicated.


“This situation of delay is one of the reasons why some units decide not to pick up users, as a result, we need to make up lost time and if we end up working overtime, we won’t be paid for those hours,” he said. “We know we have a great responsibility and one of them is that we carry lives which we must care for, we live in constant stress.”