Tulum hotel prohibits its employees from speaking Mayan


In addition, the chef of the establishment asked the workers to bring their own containers so that they can eat

Copal | Tulum, Condominium

The Copal Tulum hotel, located in the Riviera Maya, prohibited its employees from speaking Mayan, their native language, a discriminatory act that has already generated a reaction of rejection from society and the municipal authorities themselves.

Directivos de hotel en Tulum prohíben a empleados que hablen en maya entre ellos

Before this disposition of the hotel managers, the affected workers demonstrated on the outskirts of the place, and the municipal president of Tulum, Marciano Dzul Caamal, of Mayan origin, offered them legal advice for their claims before the State Human Rights Commission. of Quintana Roo (Cdheqroo).

Workers protest

It involves at least 50 workers who have been prohibited from speaking Mayan among themselves, which has led to protests, which were raised with a megaphone in that language to be heard by the representatives of the workplace.

Claudio Cortés Méndez, the union commissioner of the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers and Peasants (CROC), disclosed the series of irregularities in the workplace, whose representatives have not wanted to reach an agreement.

“The housekeeper, Amelia, forbids them to express themselves by speaking in the Mayan language, which is a language, not a dialect,” said Cortés Pérez.

In addition to forbidding them to speak Mayan, the chef of the establishment has asked the workers to bring their own containers so that they can feed them, a benefit that the workers have earned.

The protesters demanded the reinstatement of the staff who have been unjustifiably fired after expressing their disagreement, among which the actions were taken against Pedro Celestino Poot Dzul, union delegate at said hotel, to stand out.

Faced with the situation, those affected to set up tables on the outskirts of the hotel, waiting for the competent authority to give a solution to the demands that they manifest as a claim.

Tulum: hotel prohíbe a sus empleados hablar en maya - El Sol de México |  Noticias, Deportes, Gossip, Columnas

Mayor offers support to workers

Through a video posted on his social networks, the municipal president of Tulum, Marciano Dzul addressed a message to the workers who are being discriminated against at the Copal hotel, speaking in Mayan and later in Spanish.

“Good morning my Mayan brothers who are currently suffering discrimination from the managers of the Copal Tulum hotel where they work. I want to tell you that your municipal president is a Mayan like you and that I am with you and I am showing you my support in case you need any support from legal advice, whatever you need, “he said.


Likewise, the mayor pointed out that the offer of support is for them to give way and attention to their demand before the Cdheqroo, due to the fact that they are forbidding them to speak their mother tongue, Mayan.

Source: ciudadania-express.com, elsoldemexico.com.mx, proceso.com.mx

The Cancun Post