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Cleanup Effort Underway in Morelos Neighborhood’s Green Area After Tons of Trash Collected

- August 7, 2024

A massive cleanup effort is underway in the 19th Street with 8th neighborhood green area in Fracc. Morelos, Mérida, after a three-ton truck was filled with trash collected by a Public Services brigade from the Mérida City Hall.

The crew has been working tirelessly to remove tons of waste dumped in the area, which is a popular spot for opportunistic neighbors and small businesses that likely do not pay for trash collection. The municipal workers have had to endure the hazardous conditions of transporting the trash to the landfill near Chalmuch, only to face further obstacles upon arrival.

The neighborhood resident, Doña Juanita, has expressed gratitude towards the municipal workers for their efforts in cleaning up the area, which was on the verge of becoming an open-air dump. She has also requested that the mayor’s office deploy undercover surveillance to catch those responsible for dumping trash and enforce municipal regulations related to waste management and environmental protection.

The situation highlights the misuse of descacharrización programs, where residents are supposed to dispose of items that attract mosquitoes, but instead, people use it as an excuse to dump household trash, broken glass, cardboard, and other materials. This has resulted in a significant accumulation of waste, causing unpleasant odors and potential health risks.

The cleanup effort is expected to resume today, Wednesday, and possibly Thursday, depending on the amount of trash remaining. The municipal workers have acknowledged that at least two more trips will be necessary to fully remove the waste from the green area.

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